Chicken Chinese Pakora

Chicken Chinese Pakora
Chicken Chinese Pakora

Chicken boneless 1 cup (boiled)
Cabbage ½ cup
Onion ½ cup
Capsicum ½ cup
Salt to taste
Black pepper 1 tablespoon
Soy sauce 3 tablespoons
Chili sauce 3 tablespoons
Gram flour 1 ½ cup
Red chili powder 1 tablespoon
Baking powder ¼ teaspoon


Fry chicken and vegetables in 1 tablespoon oil and add soya sauce and chili sauce in it. Also add seasonings. Sauté them. Take gram flour in a bowl, and mix baking powder, salt and red chilies in it mix them and add a little water to make a thick paste. Now add vegetables in it and mix it. With the help of a spoon pour it in hot oil for deep frying. When golden brown dish them out and serve with chatni.


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